Thursday, June 28, 2007


We go to the same cafe every morning for breakfast. It's down the road from where we live. We started going there the end of first week of school because it was quick and a cornetto and cafe only cost 1.35.

My first impression was that the ladies behind the counter hated me, and that was really hard for me. They were really gruff and short with me and barely even made eye contact. They slammed our drinks down and didn't seem to like us very much. It made me feel really bad because I would always enter with a smile and greet them with a "Ciao" or a "Buongiorno." And I am a naturally smiling person. I am a friendly person. I hate it when people don't smile back at me. It makes me sad.

The second week rolled around and we headed back to our shop and the two ladies. I entered with my "Ciao," and THEY SAID IT BACK. I was so excited that I couldn't contain myself. And then, when I was checking out, I had exact change and I got really excited about that, because Italians love exact change, and the one girl winked at me! I pretty much told everyone and they thought I was weird, but it was a big moment for me. By the end of the second week, they would greet us when we came in and the meaner one was even winking at me! I felt the love.

Now it's the end of the third week and Rachel and I just went in and the mean one gave us big smiles and she already knew our order. The other one shared in a joke with us when she lost a take-away customer and did the share in the funny moment smile with us. I felt so included and accepted, like they had finally become accustomed to my presence and included me. I am part of the in crowd at this cafe.

But that is nothing compared to the treatment of the lady at Baccanale. That's the place where we go and get sandwiches every day after school. Baccanale has probably the best sandwiches in Rome and it's right off of Campo. The same lady's there when we go. We learned quickly that if you have the 50 euro cent piece you're in. By the second week, she would always say "Domani" when we left. And yesterday was the best of all. I always get the turkey, lettuce and tomato but yesterday I got a tuna and tomato, because tuna is the only fish I like. I pointed at it and she said, "Questo?" Like, "What the crap?" I said, "Tuna?" She said, "Si." So I said yes and she made the "this is nasty" face and we all laughed. And then SHE TOOK THE 50 EURO CENT OFF THE PRICE. For all of us. We are so in it is ridiculous. And the sandwich was Delicious, of course. She offered me mayo. And I said no and she laughed and said "Domani." I'm really going to miss the cafe girls and the Baccanale lady. They've been so great and really made me feel like a part of Rome.

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